Thursday, July 22, 2010

What You Don't See...

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What happened to, men/boys opening doors for women, (or anyone) giving up their chairs when there is none if she wishes to sit, saying, "please, take my coat, and no longer suffer in this cold". what happened to the men running a business vs. the women. Oh, their at home cooking dinner?! silly boys. What happened to true gentlemen, where have they gone?! Of course it goes beyond saying, take my seat.
What happened to young ladies wanting to stay home and learn to cook and sew and do all the things they ought. Where are they? Hardly ever do you see a girl in a dress/skirt. I'm not against pants, wear them every so often myself. But, because her parents say so, not what she wants. Where are all the stay at home moms!? Oh, thats right, they sent their kids off to school so they could go have a 'paying job' of their own. What happened to the feminine role?! And, it goes beyond staying at home to cook and clean. Indeed.
Where are the children playing in the streets? The laughter, the joy! Oh, their playing their wiis and xbox360's?! Ok, its all good. Honestly, I'm pretty old fashioned. I like playing board games and things like that. Once in awhile Ill say ok, ok let me have a shot at this wii thing. But, hardly. When it comes down to techie stuff, Ill let others take care of it!
I often think, what if things never changed starting at..oh I don't know, 1850?! I don't think I would mind at all! Seriously! Sure sure, I like my hot running water, my electricity but, besides that. I think people could get by! They did before. ;) I'm not blaming Technology, but I think it plays a big part. Sin, I can blame the sin for woman wanting to take over office, and work in a tiny little booth and men wanting to stay at home and cook and do all the cleaning.
I'm old fashioned. Lets just face it. I mean, who doesn't like a hand written letter! I know I do! So, where is the womanly role, the chivalry and the manly role, the innocent child play!? Where did people put God's will?

Soo, I feel better, you know, after saying all that. haha I think I'll have to do some editing, but later!

Random Fact: I truly am old fashioned. If you haven't guessed yet.

God Bless

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  1. I do agree that in this day and age it seems like common courtesy is out the door. Especially when it comes to men showing respect to women and women showing respect to men. I agree with what you say about that.

    Now when it comes to stay at home moms and women with careers. I think its wonderful that their are women who stay at home and clean, cook, watch their children, and not have a career, that is truly a beautiful thing. But I am also all for women with careers. I do agree that women these days need to be more feminine and not try to take over certain roles that are meant for men. Even though I will have a career I still will cook(because I love cooking), I will still be with my kids and husband, and clean. I don't want to turn into a person who spends her entire time at work and forgets about family. Because family will always be there for you, your work won't.

    Also, I think that video games and tv are the worst inventions ever. They increase laziness in children and rot their brains. I think the world would be better off without them!

    Loved your post!


  2. Hm...... very thought provoking post there Mandie.... Thanks for actually bringing it up... not everyone wants to hear but I think it is needed! :)

    Is it okay if I use some of this in a blog post???? I'll say I got it off your blog... :)

    God bless!

  3. Yep, common courtesy is definitely at a loss. And most respect. I will say that today while at the HSconvetion a certain child was giving me a hard time waving a balloon sword in my face and what not and this guy walks up and says, "is he your brother?" I said well, no. And he said "Show her some respect young man! This instance!" I was shocked, but seemingly pleased. lol

    Yes, I think that staying at home to tend to your family is wonderful as well. I think tho, that woman should only work if it should be absolutely necessary. IMHO. :)

    Haha yeah! Exactly. A major time waster indeed! My brothers spend countless hours playing video games and such, but whatever, Ill be the smart one. ;P jk

    Hi, Jacob! Yeah, I'm the type of person who if they have something on their mind thats like this, Ill speak out. (But, I write it out not speak it, I'm too shy when it comes to that! lol) I think its needed to be heard too!

    I don't mind at all! :)

    God Bless,

  4. Great Post!!!!
    Hi Mandie. I've seen your comments at Anna & Lisa's posts, etc.
    I feel the same way as you do. I too am old fashioned. I am also usually quiet about things and can write what I think better than speak it. I think more women would WANT to stay at home with their children, but that is not the way the world is these days! If we are living Godly lives then our priorities should be 1. God 2. OUR husband 3. Our children. If we are at-home taking care of our families,etc. then we are doing as the Lord instructs and this pleases Him. If a woman MUST work (but many say they MUST but don't really have too) then they can still be Godly wives and mothers but it is harder to do well. --because there are so many outside demands, etc from the job that cross into the family life, schedule, your thoughts etc. -Also it is really nice when a boy or man acts like a gentlemen. I actually have friends though that fight against it. Have you read any of the articles on the Rebelution site?

    P.S. I also like the 50s! too! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey! I agree... it does need heard and thanks again for sharing it! I am planning on trying to use the idea and pull it around as a challenge for guys.... what should we be doing... we will see how that goes. :)

    Oh yeah... my shot at the blog post is on my blog.... :)

  7. @God'sgirl: I agree with you completely!!
    They fight against it? wow! Never heard of anyone that would do that. Hmm. :)
    And, no I haven't. Ill have to check that out!

    Alrighty, I will read it soon!


  8. Really Mandie, you never heard a girl say "No- I can do it myself?" I have. I tell them to "just let them be gentlemen. " I know I always appreciate when boys/men do these things. Some jut aren't being taught this. :(
    I think another problem with our society is that women are not dressing lady-like. Boys should treat us like ladies but we should look like ladies and be modest and feminine. (I thought of doing a post on this before)

  9. Never ever! lol
    But, I have seen where girls are approaching a door and a man/boy will see this walk right in front of them open the door walk in and shut the door in their face.(well, not shut it, but not hold it open for them)
    I think dressing lady-like ties in with it all too. I think that if we dress like we should(like ladies) we will get more respect. "Dress like a lady, and you will be treated like a lady" is my (sorta) theory. ;) If we dress all tough'n rough we'll only be treated 'tough'n rough'.

  10. Also, I do not think it is wrong for young men to know and learn how to cook and clean and do the laundry etc. because I am sure there will be a day that they will HAVE to help their wives through any situation. And, they should know now so that they can help their mother. Mothers do so much for US we need to return the love. No matter what. I hope this doesn't sound too wrong, but sometimes I feel like if they don't help in refuse they are being really little girl like.

  11. Right Mandie, I agree with all of that. I also think if a girl dresses sleezy (spelling?) than that is the type of response she will get. I guess some girls like that attention but if it is for the wrong reasons..., It's just wrong.
    I definateley think a girl can dress feminine, modest and still be fashionable but many just don't care enough to try.
    I've seen that with boys going through doors too. It always happens. They just don't even pay any attention to who is there or even seem to care. The world is full of selfish people. Like Jacob said, these things are ways we can love one another. Too many people don't care though. and even Christian boys just aren't being trained these right ways.

  12. *Sleazy* :)
    Yes, exactly! Its very wrong. 1Corinthians 6:19 "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy spirit who is in you whom you have received from God? Therefore honor God with your body". And some girls just don't (Of course, this verse covers everything beyond your dressing) care at all like you said. I agree, we can dress modestly and still be very fashionable. IMHO I think some just don't care to see that. idk.
    I think too many people get caught into what THEY are doing and don't want to pay any attention to what is going on around them. I read a story to my sibs the other day and the subject was "stop, and look around you" it was a great story on loving one another and helping others like we ought! :)

  13. Oh c'mon, I'm a perfect gentleman! Haha! JK....kinda ;)

    What do you mean when you say this?

    "Sin, I can blame the sin for woman wanting to take over office, and work in a tiny little booth and men wanting to stay at home and cook and do all the cleaning."

    I have no problem with the woman working and the man staying home cleaning/schooling the kids. I mean, if it works out for the whole family then it's fine.

    Is that what you were talking about? I'm kinda confused (didn't really understand what you said there).

    Anyway, I'll have to read some of your other blog posts. I haven't been here in a while, lol.


  14. Haha, well If I knew you better than I do, I might say so. I believe your mama raised you right! ;)

    Well, its kinda hard for my little brain to put into words for you, but...

    God says women are to stay home and do all that I have stated above(and possibly more..?).
    But, this day and age has made it 'ok' to do that exact opposite. Which is a sin. (according to God's word)
    This is just my thinking, but I think a lot of it ties into homosexuality. Men wanting to do what women do, visa versa. Not implying that is always the case, as I am sure it is not.
    But everyone has their own convictions. And I partially agree, if it works for the family, then let it be. :)
    Sorry for rambling. I hope that made some sense. haha


  15. Very good post Mandie! I agree 100 percent

  16. God didn't say that women are supposed to stay home....where does it say that? I don't think it is a sin for the man and woman to switch rolls. But one of them must be home to raise their children.

    When you say this (in the comment you posted).

    "God says women are to stay home and do all that I have stated above(and possibly more..?)."

    "and do all that I have stated above"

    What did you state in the entry above that women should do? I know that you were asking why young ladies didn't want to stay at home and do these things, but I don't remember you saying what they SHOULD do?


  17. Ok, your right, that statement was not entirely all the truth.
    And again, God doesn't forbade woman from working, but I don't think it is truly what he desires.
    "The Bible nowhere forbids a woman from working outside the home. However, the Bible does teach what a woman’s priorities are to be. If working outside the home causes a woman to neglect her children and husband, then it is wrong for that woman to work outside the home. If a Christian woman can work outside the home and still provide a loving, caring environment for her children and husband, then it is perfectly acceptable for her to work outside the home. With those principles in mind, there is freedom in Christ. Women who work outside the home should not be condemned, and neither should women who focus on the stewardship of the home be treated with condescension."
    "“...train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy AT HOME, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands so that no one will malign the Word of God.”
    Got that off some website.
    And honestly, if the man wishes his wife to stay at home, then she MUST submit to his word. That I know for a FACT is in the Bible.


  18. Levi, I rest my case. I spoke with my dad last night and agrees entirely with what I posted. And, I asked him about women working outside the home and he said, "It nowhere states in the Bible that it is OK for a woman to work outside the home" " Nor is it OK for man and woman to switch rolls."
    Trust me, my father has read the bible through and through many times, went to bible college etc. SO! I trust and listen to no one BUT my father.

    "I don't think it is a sin for the man and woman to switch rolls. But one of them must be home to raise their children... "

    Can you please tell me what you mean when you sat that..? Because I don't see that to be fit in any situation. Children need their Mothers more than anything.


  19. Go Mandie!
    Why come you don't write for Ladies in Waiting, girl?!? ;)

  20. Hello. I am God's Girl's mother.
    I just wanted to add some things here... (just some things to think about on this topic)

    1 Timothy 5:14 says " I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, GUIDE THE HOUSE, give no occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
    Titus 2:5 Older woman are to train the younger woman how to love their own husbands and children, be self-controlled and pure (many professions and jobs expose girls to many very ungodly things) , to be busy AT HOME, to be kind,and subject to their own husbands, etc.

    (No where does it say that women are to seek specialized training or learn a trade (for outside the home).

    Then once God blesses with children...
    Deuteronomy 6:7-9 instructs parents to teach our children about the Lord and His commandments…teach them to them when you sit at home, walk along the way, lie down and get up. If you are not at home often with your children, you will not have the opportunity to follow this very important command. It instructs for this to be done all throughout the day. A Godly marriage should raise up godly seed (generations of Christian children) for His Kingdom. (Gen.12:1-3, Psalm 128:6)

    A man is to be the protector and provider. The women is to be his helpmeet. She can work outside the home and still follow Gods commands but we are always to put God first and if you are spending the majority of your time outside the home, much of your focus throughout those days is on your job and not on your husband and being his helpmeet, not on your children and teaching them in all situations about the Lord and often not on the Lord at all while working -esp. for unGodly employers or in atmosphere around many unsaved. It can be done ( a woman working and keeping a Godly testamony for the Lord) but often women work when they do not have to (more for selfish reasons) and....... even if they keep a Godly testamony, etc. ...are her husband or children missing out on things because she is not there for them whenever needed?

    If you read Proverbs 31- it tells about the wife of Noble character (This woman it says surpassed some that did noble she was used as an example.) It never says she does all this eveyday but was done throughout her life and shows her character.
    She is wise, valuable to her husband, she cared for and made things
    for her family, gave to the needy,She did "consider a field, buy it and with her earnings plant a vineyard"
    She was a hard worker and also made linen garments and sold them.
    It also says that she is well respected. She watches over the affairs of her household. Her children (and husband) call her blessed and praise her. She is faithful in giving Godly instruction.

    So I feel this more impresses that a woman can earn money but I do not feel this was this woman's focus. Her main focus was on her husband and children - those in her household. She was productive and when she could, she made a profit but it was not a career or main focus in her life.
    Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has a plan for each one.
    If a man or women seek HIS will for thier life (and all throughout their life) than He will lead them down the right path.
    Many people tend to "rationize" things into THEIR plans and don't spend time truly seeking what the LORD has for them.

    Society pushes for self-worth and for more schooling,etc. and to earn more money, etc. etc. but these things often are not to bring glory to the Lord but for self. God is the one who gives us our talents and gifts (things we are good at). We are to use these things to bring him glory. We should seek Him and pray a lot about what He would have us do with our lives and He will guide. (while trying to do this though the world and Satan will bring many temptations, etc along to try to get your attention, etc. off the Lord.) We must always try to live out HIS plan for our lives- to bring Him glory.

  21. Haha, Perry! I guess I just never thought of it...?? Honestly I don't think I could. When I write stuff like this its so spontaneous. I don't think about it, I just write. :)

    Thank-you for your comment! And putting your time into it. :)
    I do agree with what you have said.

    Tho I already was aware of this- my father also says that if a woman is going to have a job, it should at least be under HER HUSBAND.
    Also, it is ok for a woman(or in fact a mother) to work at home.(to have a money making job at home). As long as it is not bringing in all the income. Or like the woman selling her wool, I know plenty of mothers(with their daughters along side of them) making things and selling them like per-say at a posy patch. Since posy-patch events only happen a few times a year..therefor your not working all the time nor are away from home too much. :]

    To everyone, just as I said before. We all have our own convictions from the Lord. The way we work, school dress, etc.
    I am no smarty, and not telling others how they should do things, this is just what my family believes.

    God Bless

  22. When you say this,

    "I spoke with my dad last night and agrees entirely with what I posted. And, I asked him about women working outside the home and he said, "It nowhere states in the Bible that it is OK for a woman to work outside the home" " Nor is it OK for man and woman to switch rolls."

    My answer to that is, you’re right. The bible doesn't say it's ok for the woman to work outside the home and it also doesn't say that it's ok for them to switch roles. But it also doesn't say that they can't. The bible is silent on it.

    When I say this,

    "I don't think it is a sin for the man and woman to switch rolls. But one of them must be home to raise their children... "

    Then you say this,

    "Can you please tell me what you mean when you sat that..? Because I don't see that to be fit in any situation. Children need their Mothers more than anything."

    Yes, children do need their mothers, but they don't need them 24/7. Its not like fathers cant take care of their own kids as well as mothers. The father can take care of them during the day, and when she comes home after work, (or whatever) she will still see them and be able to nurture them. Is it the most ideal? Not really. I personaly will prefer that I work and my wife be home with our children. But if my wife and I ever had to switch those particular roles for a season, I certainly don’t believe it’s a sin. The bible doesn’t say it’s a sin.

    You also said this,

    "Also, it is ok for a woman(or in fact a mother) to work at home.(to have a money making job at home). As long as it is not bringing in all the income."

    What is the problem with that?! What makes you say something like that? What difference does it make whether she is bringing in 10% of the income or 100%? The question is this – is it a sin for her to earn money? Is it a sin for her to be outside of the home working while her husband tends to the children? If you look to God’s word, you won’t find any prohibition of any of the above.


  23. My take on this issue is probably different from the norm, but I think that the movement of women entering the work-force was a necessity when it first began. Women hadn't really experienced working away from home 'til the first World War. When all the men were fighting for freedom, the women were assembling weapons in the stateside factories. Even so, both parties were still fulfilling their God-given jobs. The men providing freedom and protecting lives, and the women helping their men behind-the-scenes. After that, women fought for the vote, and the press to become equal with men grew stronger. I don't think it has had anything to do with homosexuality. And ask any guy and they won't tell you that it's their heart's desire to switch roles. Why did you say something about "men 'wanting' to stay home and cook"? No guy really wants that, at all. They were created with a longing to work hard for the protection/provision of a family. Of course, if their heart is a serving heart, they'll lend a hand around the house with no problem too. But the guys I know don't want all that responsibility.

    The Bible simply lays out before us that men are to be the providers and protectors and women are to be their husband's help-meet. If working from home and bringing in some income (no matter the percentage) is proving to help her husband, then power to the woman! Proverbs 31, however, does tell us that the a virtuous woman "willingly works with her hands; she brings food from afar; she rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household. She considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a vineyard. She girds herself with strength and strengthens her arms. She makes linen garments and sells them; she supplies sashes for the merchants." That sounds like a working woman to me. You?

    It really boils down to "What's right for our family?" If it's a financial issue of not having enough money on one income, then let the woman find a way to help out. If it's simply a selfish desire of the woman to be away from the home God has placed her in, then by all means, she should reconsider.

    I for one want to do everything in my power to be my (future) husband's help-meet and if that means working either at or away from home to provide some money, or just staying at home and budgeting wisely, so be it.

    And I think gentlemanliness *is* a bit lost in this culture, but to me (and it's probably the influence of my Granddad, my Mom, and the way I was raised) opening doors and offering seats is not the definition of a gentleman. A quiet and gentle spirit in a guy, someone who values women and children in a tender way, not just a "going through the motions to open the door" sort of way. Anyway, that's my opinion. =]

  24. Levi, you have vexed me.

    NO! It is NOT a sin for her to make money, but it clearly sates in the BIBLE that it is a SIN for the man and woman to switch roles. The HUSBAND is to be the full provider. Not the 'housewife'. Clearly stated in the BIBLE!
    What makes me say something like that. hmmm just mho. that's what.
    If I look!? What makes you say that, boy? How do you not know I have looked not?.

    That is not what I said. There is nothing comparable to a mothers soft touch. Yes, fathers can take care of the children just as well. Children need a firm hand. Just as well as the mothers, they need their fathers as well. Of course it cannot be 24/7 but when it is right, they should be there for them.

    Read that. All of that. Even the links.

    Sorry for 'yellin' but, for reals. Trying to make a simple statement and leaving it be to you is like trying to preach the word into a stubborn JW. ;)

    Again I say, we all have our own convictions. And I'm glad you would like it to be that way. And thank you for your final input.


  25. Thank-you Jo, for your comment and your time into the comment.

    To answer your first Q. I said that because it is true. I know plenty. No, I don't think they do want "all that responsibility" either. Gee maybe that's why God put them where they should be. The full provider. Working "the fields" with their hands.

    Yup, sure does sound like working to me! But not for self pleasure. (I am sure.)

    You're right. It really does boil down to What IS right for the family. Honestly, if I had to have a job I would do my best to have it at home. There are many ways woman can make money without even leaving the house. And still being able to love and nurture and teach her children.

    No, it isn't. Just like I said when I first posted this(if you read it?) it goes BEYOND opening doors giving up your seat etc. "Of course it goes beyond saying, take my seat." That was my statement. I do agree with your last statement very much. :]

    Thank-you, again for your comment!

    God Bless

  26. Indeed, I did read your original post and I did agree with your statement that being a gentleman goes beyond all that outward show.

    Just one issue: I think there are a lot of women who are working outside of the home right now as a selfish means to satisfy themselves, yes. But, if they have children, and if they are trying to manage a house in the days they're not working, you will find truly that they all wish to be home with their kids. But sometimes they are stuck; tied to their job by college loans, or unable to find some other means of using their talents which would allow them home. It will take a few generations to turn that around again, but I desperately hope that the wheel is turning away from finding fulfillment in a career. Looking at circumstances, talking to working moms, and studying the culture is showing me a wider sweep of people who are willing to stay home more. I don't think it's going to last forever; We all know that whatever God's will is for us on earth, He will establish it in His time. For right now, all we young girls can do is pray in earnest for our generation and then be the example.

    As a side-note, I think it's fine for a girl to go to college and get a degree *before* marriage, so she isn't humming around, having already learned homemaking skills and all. I myself plan something of the sort. =] But all in all, when a husband and kids come, a mother's heart needs to be centered at home.

  27. Yes, that is very true! Thank you for that. :)

    And I do agree with it being ok for girls to go to college, before marriage yes. Not sure if I personally will haven't a clue what I'd do, but thats just me. ;)


  28. if a girl must work to pay off her college loans (but would want to stay home) then wouldn't it seem logical to NOT go to college and instead work THOSE years to save money to help out her husband and their starting out. That way when children come instead of still having school debt, there might be a savings. Instead of wokring a college-derived job for years to pay the college debt- don't do college and instead work a lesser job just to raise money for your future/family) Then if needed, it would be easier for the wife to just work from home (if her husband is okay with that).

    Getting that far in debt just to work a few years before children seems more like it is for status in some cases.

    The Lord has given each girl (any person) the exact talents, gifts, abilities for her future. He will provide what is best for the future if you seek HIS will for your life.
    There ARE many girls out there that say/feel they are not using their potential if they "just" stay at home. That is just listening to the world's influence and not praying, waiting and following God's plan. You can stay home and reach more people than if in the workforce. Most jobs that people work at everyday will do nothing for eternity. Many stay at home moms are raising Godly children who will do much (along with their mother) for the Lord and this work can last for all eternity. ✟

  29. Let's keep this conversation in context, Amanda. I'm not suggesting that a man and woman should switch roles. For instance, I do not plan to submit to my wife’s “authority” – she’ll submit to mine, according to God’s word. I will love her as Christ loves the Church. Those are our roles. She will help me; I will honor and serve her. But the Bible says nothing about the man being the “full provider.” She is to help her husband, and if there is a season where she works or brings in the bulk of the income, this is not sin. No where does God’s word prohibit this. Please show me a chapter and verse – I really am interested.

    I appreciate your humble opinion – we all have opinions and there is nothing wrong with that. Your opinion appears to be that you will never work outside the home. Great! That’s between you, God and your husband. As for me, that will be between my future wife, myself and God. Opinions are one thing, biblical mandates quite another. I can’t throw my personal convictions on you and expect you to live them; they’re simply my OPINIONS (hopefully humble, LOL). God’s opinion is the only one that really matters, though.

    for the record, I do plan to bring in the bulk of our income, if not all of it. I love the idea of my wife staying home and tending to our children while I take care of the money part of things. I want to go home to a hot dinner waiting and exclaim over our children and what they all accomplished during the day while I was away. However, if we find ourselves in a season where she must work, while I stay at home and tend to the children, I know that neither I nor she are violating God’s word in any way. If I become disabled for instance, and have to take care of our kids from a wheelchair while she works, there’s no sin in that. Conversely, it’s God’s provision.

    I don't understand... You said,

    "That is not what I said. There is nothing comparable to a mothers soft touch. Yes, fathers can take care of the children just as well. Children need a firm hand. Just as well as the mothers, they need their fathers as well. Of course it cannot be 24/7 but when it is right, they should be there for them."

    What did you not say? Can you be a little specific and tell me what you didn't say? And who says there is anything comparable to a mother’s touch? I agree. Nothing can compare to it. But nothing is comparable to the child’s father’s touch as well. He too can nurture his children.

    Yes, I read the link you sent me. I'm not sure why you sent it to me...I agree with it. A wife is to be a helpmeet to her husband. I am to honor and love my wife. There is no argument there.

    "Sorry for 'yellin' but, for reals. Trying to make a simple statement and leaving it be to you is like trying to preach the word into a stubborn JW. ;)"

    Ok, didn't really get what you said there....a JW? A Jehovah’s Witness, though, is someone who belongs to a cult. I am not sure where the comparison to me lies (I am a Christian – I follow God’s word; I don’t add to it, I don’t take away from it – I simply read it for what it says and do my best to apply it. A JW does not.)

    Yes, we all have our own opinions, but when you start telling everyone what is a sin and what isn' have to be able to back it up with the bible. I mean really, you don't set the standard for Christian living. God’s word is what sets that standard – His word alone.

    Yes, you're welcome. It is an interesting topic! :)
    Your friend,


  30. Thank you so much, mom2five! Amen to that. :)

    I am keeping it in context, Levi. But seriously, you have vexed me.

    Never said you were suggesting that.
    No, a man is not to submit to his wife's authority. She is his help-meet.
    Really, you think the bible says nothing about being the full provider.
    Gen. 2:15-17 "Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 But of the tree of the knowledge for in the day that you ear of it you shall surely die.""(Really it is chapters 1-3, but just for reference) Did God bring Eve forward in place of Adam? Did he create Eve before Adam? No, He didn't. Did He say, Eve I want YOU to tend and keep the garden? Nope. Don't look like it to me. If you read it correctly, you will find it to be true.

    "Hopefully humble" I find nothing funny in that statement.
    But, good I appreciate yours too. And yes, I have said it many times, we all have our own convictions. "Gods opinion is the only one that really matters tho.." That, in fact I *do* agree with. Wow.

    Yes, the father can. But, you overlooked my point.

    If you read it humbly, I assure you that you will have found my point in there.

    I'm not here to argue.

    "Sorry for 'yellin' but, for reals. Trying to make a simple statement and leaving it be to you is like trying to preach the word into a stubborn JW. ;)"

    Have you ever heard of "figure of speech" ? Basically I was saying that me, trying to say what I want without you having a stupid comeback and you just accepting it and leaving it as be, is like trying to preach to a JW. They don't listen, nor care what you have to say regard anything. (not saying you don't care, but get my point?)

    I was *never* trying to tell people what a sin is and isn't. I was just stating my opinion.
    I have been able to back it up with the Bible. Therefore stating what *God* says is a sin.

    Thank-you, Levi for your *final* input.

    Likewise, your friend

  31. Ok, those verses you just gave me (Gen.2:15-17) have nothing to do with God commanding the man to be the full provider of his family. That verse was simply God instructing Adam work in the garden. That's all! I'm sure Eve helped Adam, too. In fact, we know she must have helped him cultivate the garden in some way because the words "help meet" in Gen.2:18 imply that. If we were to take your position to its logical conclussion, we would to conclude that every man henceforth should make his living tilling a garden.

    I'm sorry to hear that I have vexed you. Honestly, that wasn't my intent. As one who is very passionate about the Bible, I recognize how important it is that we interpret God's word correctly. Especially in this day and age where even among Christians, everyone seems to think that they can interpret God's word "subjectively". It profits us nothing to have God's perfect and infallable word in our hands if we then go on to misinterpret it.

    I do care...but no I am afraid I don’t get your point, Mandie. I’ve seen the use of a figure of speech before, but didn’t recognize your use. This isn’t about “stupid comebacks” - I thought we were having a cordial conversation; apparently I was wrong.

    "I was *never* trying to tell people what a sin is and isn't."

    Actually you were. For example, here are some things that you said,

    "NO! It is NOT a sin for her to make money, but it clearly sates in the BIBLE that it is a SIN for the man and woman to switch roles. The HUSBAND is to be the full provider. Not the 'housewife'. Clearly stated in the BIBLE!"

    ....and here,

    "Also, it is ok for a woman(or in fact a mother) to work at home.(to have a money making job at home). As long as it is not bringing in all the income."

    Here you are saying what is ok and what isn't.

    I'm not here to argue either. I thought we were just having a friendly biblical discussion. But seriously, if you feel "vexed", then maybe that is a good sign that we should stop this discussion.


  32. Oh, no Levi we were. Sorry I said "stupid comebacks". But let me tell you this,
    Just as I have said before, I discuss and verify everything with my dad to make sure what I am saying is clear and at least makes sense.
    That verse is very well what it means. And yea, we all do have our own interpretations, and God will convict us if we are wrong. Not the case here. And my Dad very well knows what he is talking about.

    Nope, not here to argue either. I only felt vexed because I was fed up with your constant repeats and questioning.

    Discussion is good, but if we can find no way but to disagree, then, end it we shall.

    "Thank-you, Levi, for your *final* input."
    yes, that was my way of stopping this conversations. I'm tired of the topic.

