Sunday, April 11, 2010

~Moving, Church picnic and an epic song

The title says it all, huh?!

When renting a house, it could be time to move anytime! But we didn't think we'd have to move *this soon*. I'm not going to go into detail, but lets just say, they are pretty much pushing us out because of foreclosure on the home! Aaarrrg! Its hard to find a house, for rent, big enough for your family and to be affordable these days. They have been making houses bigger for a purpose but they ain't cheep, to buy, or rent! We did find a house just like ours(which, would be a huge blessing if they would hurry up and get back to us on!), its flipped but just the same-almost. When,(I say when 'cause I don't count on moving anywhere else but there) we move in Ill post the diffs.. Anyways, we're moving! Sad, yes. I just have to keep reminding myself this is all in God's hands and I know we'll look back and say, "Hey, it all worked out just fine! Thank you, Jesus!"

Yesterday was the church picnic! Always lots of fun. We did a scavenger hunt and this time, Lisa's team won. But, last time we had great victory in winning! ;)hehe Who here agrees that it seems like it took way longer this time? Yeah, thought so! And, in my opinion it was a little bit harder...yeah.

Ok, My friend, Bekah and I wrote a silly song. Mind you we did this at 1am why were we both up that late, please don't ask!
Anyhow, the song is called
Confused Lovers by, Amanda and Rebekah

Ooh! Iii once knew a guy named Jooooeeee!!! He was a hobo.
He went to a magic show where he met his lover and married her ten days later! But when he found out she was a waiter, he said "See ya later!!"
But later never came, it was a shame- So she went 'a look'n for her man in the shoes~
She didn't want to lose the man she never loved, so she found him and gave him a hug 'an said "I quit my job fer you!"
And he said, "thats a bunch of poo" Get a life, and a job! Then, we'll go from there, if you even dare!-And maybe grow some hair, so people don't stop and stare at your bare head, 'cause you look dead!
Ten years later he did not hater her anymore, till she started to snore, and she was out the door, forever more!
She was sad she had to go, but when she met a porky pine who had a spine and put up with her, she didn't whine, and stopped doing crime!
But only she stopped 'cause she had to do the time, for her crime.
And when she was in prison she learned how to use a Chisholm to get outta there and get away from the scary bear!
Ooh, oh!!!
And a big bad hare who had no hair, that made her scared so she left the land of hare and got sick of men so she married a pare!
Fin(the end)
Moral of the song(really there isn't one..but))) don't marry a hobo!! bahahahaha jk
As you can tell, it is not edited in anyway, we were just having a good time texting away writ'n our song! =P

Told ya it was pretty silly...but totally epic for being written at 1am!! hehe
Okay, its about time I get off this thing and do some packing. *sigh*

God Bless,
Amanda :)


  1. Hey... so sorry you have to move but I totally agree with your comments about God being in control!!! That song... it's um... incredible! ;) ;) So what's the meaning of your blog title??

  2. Hey, Perry! :)
    Yeah, its ok. I'm still getting used to it(just moved in yesterday! hehe) and all its minor differences. Not feeling too safe location wise tho...Ill go into detail later!
    Well, thank you! Its just a silly song. ;)
    The meaning of my blog title, well it means: any award, honor, or laudatory notice. Like, have you heard the song Accolade, by Nicole Nordeman? The song really puts the meaning, into perspective. :)

  3. Whoops! The song is Legacy, not accolade!

  4. Funny song Amanda...yeah, you must have been pretty sounds like something Jessie & Kailey would write at 1AM :)

    Oh team had a blast winning the scavenger hunt!!! ha ha ha... it was waaaay longer than last time; harder, too! I think us kids should all make one for the adults next time...what do you think?!?!?

  5. Oh, yes we were very tired indeed! lol Nice!

    Well, let me tell you. We WOULD have won..but I have no excuse so, congrats on winning. ;)
    Thats what I thought! haha
    And I totally agree we should definitely do that. I think that would be pretty fun to watch!!

  6. We should make it reaaaaallly hard!!!

  7. Yo Amanda! I didn't know you had a blog. Well I do now!
    Hope you all are settled in now. I know what you all are going through, being that we have just moved ourselves.
    I won't be as nice as perry though about the song, enough said ha ha.
    We'll keep you all in prayer


  8. Yes! We should make it nice looong and hard!! haha We better start looking up details now! :)

  9. Any ideas for questions??? I'll start thinking... but don't tell any adults!!!

    BTW, did you see on my blog that I get to go see Sarah Palin tomorrow night?!?!? I am SOOOOOOOOO excited...I love her!


  10. Hmmmm...No but Ill think of something. It'll probably come to me in the middle of the night, then Ill forget! haha jk
    OH, don't worry, I won't!

    Yes, I did how exciting for you!!
