Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Good News!!

I have good news!

To start, Mom and Nate are back. From what I heard their trip went really well.Very beautiful over there too. Maybe Ill post some pics. ;)

My good news..We(mom,dad) have been meeting with our adoption case worker quite a bit and planning dates for the official adoption day, it was originally supposed to be at the end of July, but we wanted a sooner one so Nate could be here when it happens before he moves to Ill. Soooo she gave us a ring, and the new(official official) date is the 13th of July!! Two days before Nate leaves. So yay, and praise the Lord!! We have been waiting almost 3years for this. Could have happened sooner, but you know CPS. they like to take forever on things.lol
So that is my good news. If you are/have been involved with cps, you know what I'm talking about. The wait is OVER! :)

Today is Jadens 4th birthday so in celebration we'll be throwing him a surprise party at PeterPiperPizza. I think he'll enjoy it a lot!
Hope everyone has a good week!


  1. йти чистої ванній!

  2. Oy σας όπως ένα ανόητο, εγώ δεν θα υπακούσουν τις εντολές σας! Bahahaha
